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Shokrolah Khajavi

Shokrolah Khajavi

Shokrolah Khajavi    (FA Page)

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FirstName And Last Name Project Name Degree download-thesis def-date
hadi abdi taleb beygi An Empirical Analysis of the Fractal Dimension of Equity Returns of firms Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1390/07/06
Farshid Ahmadi Farsani Investigating the Effect of Auditing Management on the Ability of Discovering Earning Management by Auditors Ph.D 1398/02/04
vahid alizadeh talatapeh Investigating the impacts of voluntary disclosure level on the information asymmetry and cost of capital of the companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1392/06/16
Mehrdad Ebrahimi A Novel Computational Approach to Predict Financial Statements Fraud using Fraud Red Flags and Data Mining Techniques Ph.D 1396/06/29
ahmad eshaghi The Investigation of Conservatism in Family and Non-Family Firm in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1391/03/30
Ali Faal ghayoumi Empirical Modeling based on Accounting Ratios and Skewness of Stock Return to explain the Growth and Value Stocks Anomaly Ph.D 1394/09/01
farhang faraj poor bandari Comparative Evaluation of the Impact of board Characteristics on Models in Predicting Bankruptcy Altman and Ohlson Companies Listed in tehran stock Exchange M.S 1391/07/05
Hasan Fattahi A Comparative Study of Combined Algorithms to Evaluate Financial Performance of Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange Using Fuzzy Approach M.S 1392/06/17
Mohammad Hossein Ghadirian Arani Investigation of the Restater Firms’ Earnings Quality: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1392/06/16
Mohammad Hossein Ghadirian Arani Modeling Financial Distress of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange by Using Balanced Scorecard Measures Ph.D 1396/12/19
Seyedsajad Habibi Investigation of The Relationship Between Air Pollution, Trading Volume And Stock Returns of The Firms Listed In Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1392/05/30
Mohammad Hallaj The Determination of Judgment Pattern of Overhead Costs Prediction Ph.D 1394/01/29
javad hayati Investigation of Financial Statements Restatements of Family and Non-Family Firms: Case Study: The Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1393/11/15
Ehsan Kermani Investigating the Factors Influencing on Knowledge Sharing in Audit Firms Ph.D 1397/06/26
ali khajehaminian Application Activity-Based Costing Technique in Steel Products M.S 1391/12/16
Mohammad Kiamehr Modeling Tax Avoidance Using Accounting Information: Evidence From Tehran Stock Exchange Ph.D 1395/06/07
Gholam ali mohseni far Financial Bancruptey and Disclosure Quality: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1391/09/22
Javid Najafi gharghani Investigation of the Relationship between Audit Fees and Restatements of Financial Statements of the Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1395/04/22
zahra najafi An Investigation of the Political Influence and Transparency on the Performance of the Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE). M.S 1391/07/08
Alireza Pourgoudarzi Investigating the Power of Fama & French Five-Factor Model to Predict the Stock Expected Return (Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange) M.S 1395/06/08
mahmood rezaei The Specifications Of Board Of Director Characteristics On Accounting Conservatism M.S 1392/06/02
mehdi rezaei Analysis of constructs Affecting the Quality of Accounting Education and Research in Iran and Generating a Model for Quality Accreditation Ph.D 1393/11/18
naser rostamzadeh the Investigation of Relationship Between Stock Liquidity and Financial Performance in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1390/10/26
Fariborz Saeb Investigation of The Effect of Specialists Auditors on The Level of Client Voluntary Disclosures and Information Asymmetry of The Companies Listed on The Tehran Stock Exchange. M.S 1393/12/13
mohsen salehi nia Investigating the Realation ship between restatment Financial Statements and Growth of Firms Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1393/06/30
nader tayebi Investigating the Feasibility of Implementing Balanced Scorecard in Shiraz Special Economic Zone M.S 1393/12/19
mehran vali khiabanian An investigation of the relationship between firm`s life cycle & capital structure of the companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1392/07/07
Akbar Zare garizi Modeling the Mediating Role of attitudes towards accounting information, role clarity and psychological empowerment on the effects of performance measurement comprehensive systems and managerial performance in regional electricity companies Ph.D 1396/12/20
majid zare The Investigation of the Impact of the Size Board, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Duality, and Cash Holdings on the Profitability of Listed Companies in the Tehran Stock Exchange (The Emphasis on Industry Type) M.S 1392/02/28
Gholamhasan Zare The Study of Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Auditors’ Selection of Companies Listed M.S 1389/12/16
The Study of Days of Week Effect on Stock Return Index of 50 Active Companies of Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1390/11/05
Modeling an Organizational Decision Making System Based on Accounting and Economic Information using System Dynamics Approach Ph.D 1400/06/20
Sayed Ali Akbar Abedi Avanji Design of a Post Completion Audit Model for Long Term Projects Ph.D
Shoeib Abbasi presenting and evaluating the ranking model of banks using topsis technique Ph.D 1399/06/31
masomeh aznab Providing Optimal Model To Predict Bankruptcy Using Invasive Weed Algorithm and Evaluating It's Efficiency Compared To Altmen's z’ Model M.S 1393/06/05
mansour barzaman Proposing an Optimal Model of Tax Calculation Basis Ph.D 1400/06/17
elaheh barzegar بررسی توزیعی اثار تدوین استانداردهای مالی حسابداری در ایران Ph.D 1391/06/29
ABBAS ALI DARYAEI A Model to Explain Auditors' Attitudes about Auditing Responsibilities and Marketing Activities and Its Impact on Attitude to Corporate Governance Ph.D 1395/06/08
Masoumeh Dehbozorgie Investigation of the effect of costs behavior and their stickiness on stock return volatility in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) M.S 1392/07/06
AliAsghar Dehghani Saadi The Role of Abnormal Audit Report Delay on Explaning the Relationship between Earnings Quality and Firm Value (By Using PLS) M.S 1394/06/31
Farnaz Dehghan Portfolio optimization by using Cuckoo meta-heuristic algorithm and comparing it with Imperialist competitive meta-heuristic algorithm for the companies listed on Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) M.S 1392/07/10
Mehdi Ebrahimi maimand Providing a Conceptual Framework for Risk Reporting and Identifying Voluntary Risk Disclosure Drivers Model in Accounting by using SEM Ph.D 1396/02/06
bahram eisanejad eisaloo Investigation the relation between cost stickness and accuracy in Profit Prediction by managements of listed companies in Tehran stocke exchange market M.S 1392/07/10
Hassan Esmaeilpour The Effect of Brain Behavioral Systems on the Activities of Management Accountants with the Moderating Role of Cerebral Hemispheres' Superiority and the Mediating Role of Activity Risk Assessment M.S 1399/06/29
pooya farahbod An investigation of the relationship between fair value accounting with the relevance of accounting information value and earning management of the companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1394/03/25
sahar gerami shirazi Investigation of the Relationship between Surplus Free Cash Flows and Earning Predictability with Emphasis on the Moderation Role Corporate Governance Mechanisms ( Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange ) M.S 1394/06/30
mohammad javad ghaffari Modeling Optimal Fundamental Analysis of Accounting and Non-financial Information in Forming Desired Stock Portfolios via Data Envelope Analysis (Exidence from Tehran Stock Exchange) Ph.D 1394/12/02
mohammad javad ghaffari Designing Activity Based Costing System in the Uncertainty Mode Via Employing Fuzzy Numbers ( Case Study: Mashhad Razavi Hospital) M.S 1389/06/29
mohammad ali ghasemi Investigating the Usefulness and Feasibility of Implementing ABC in Airlines M.S 1391/07/24
ali ghayouri Credit Rating in Terms of Financial Ability to Pay Principle and Interest Debts Using Data Envelopment Analysis TechniqueCase Study: Companies Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1388/06/31
asghar ghorbani seeni A Comparative Study of the Role of Modern and Traditional Liquidity Indexes in Appraising Financial Performance of the Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1389/06/28
Zahra Hajipour The Impact of Product Market Competition on Economic Performance of the Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange Using Balanced Scorecard System M.S 1395/06/29
Atefehsadat Hasheminejad The Relationship between Over-investment and Marginal Value of Cash Holdings Emphasizing the Role of Corporate Governance (Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange) M.S 1395/06/28
Zahra sadat Hosseini Ivestigation of the effective constructs in Executing Performance-Focused Activity-Based Costing (PFABC) and Its Implementation at Farasan Factory by Using Fuzzy Logic Ph.D 1399/12/20
Somayyeh Hosseini nia Modeling of the Effective Drivers on Fraudulent Financial Reporting with Emphasis on Froud Diamond: A Meta-Regression Analysis Ph.D 1398/06/24
zahra jamshidi Disclosure quality and investors' assessment of earnings components persistance M.S 1390/11/15
Razieh Karevani rizi An Appraisal of the Traditional Investment Banks in Comparison to the Iranian Investment Banks in Order to Implement Islamic Banking M.S 1395/01/30
ZOHRE KARIMI An impirical investigation of issues using information technology acheivement: from auditor' view point M.S 1390/08/07
issa karimipoor Optimal model to predict dividend policy and earnings management focusing on behavioral finance and psychological variables Ph.D 1399/06/31
issa karimi poor nemch A Survey of the Impact of Conservative Financial Reporting on the Bankruptcy Risk of TehranStock Exchange Member Companies M.S 1390/08/07
farhad kashanipoor hhh M.S 1390/03/31
samaneh khankeshi zadeh nazigh Desing and implementation of the third generation of the activity-based costing system: Performance-focused ABC, via fuzzy logic (Action research: Shiraz Homa Hotel) M.S
mohammadhadi maher بررسی نگرش مدیران دانشگاه علوم پزشکی استان فارس نسبت به کیفیت گزارش‌های مالی ارائه شده M.S 1390/07/06
mahan mansoori The Impact of Corporate Governance and Independent Auditing In Information Disclosure of Listed Companies of Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1392/04/04
zeynab mehtari The Realationship Between Accounting Conservatism and Investment Efficiency of The Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) M.S 1389/12/21
saman mohammadi Investigation the effect of Auditor Change on Stock Price of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1390/06/26
Alireza Momtazian Designing and Testing of Empirical Model of Structures Affecting Professional Judgment and Decision-Making of Auditors Ph.D 1399/06/31
khadijeh mostafavi Managerial Competencies, Management Accounting Practices and Entrepreneurship Orientation in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Fars Province M.S 1401/10/25
Fahimehossadat Najebi Investigating the Relationship between Managerial Ability and Audit Fees of the Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange (Using Data Envelopment Analysis) M.S 1394/11/11
Fahimatosadat Najibi Investigating the Relationship between Managerial Ability and Audit Fees Using Data Envelopment Analysis (Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange) M.S 1394/11/11
Tahereh Nasiri Ivestigation the relationship between information disclosure, corporate governance mechanisms, market efficiency and cost of capital in Tehran Stock Exchange(TSE) M.S 1392/06/17
Mohamad sajjad Nazari an investigation of the relationship between the effective factors in quality of disclosure and financial distress among companies listed on tehran stock exchange M.S 1392/05/13
Mohammad amin Payam Investigating the impact of Macro-Economic variables on the Bankruptcy Risk of the Companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1391/06/20
Farzaneh Raeisi Investigating the Moderating Effect of Earnings Managment on the Relationship between Corporate Tax Avoidance and Firm Value for the Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1398/04/01
Ehsan Ranjbar An Investigation of the Effect of Product Market Competition on the Quality of Information Disclosure of the Accepted Companies in Tehran’s Stock Exchange M.S 1392/06/17
najmeh rastegari An analysis of the Factors Affecting the Audit Market Structure in Iran Ph.D 1399/06/31
hamid reza rezaei The effect of macroeconomic variables on the earnings quality of companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1390/10/14
Mohamadhosein Rezaei Costing, Resource Capacity Measurement and Performance Evaluation in Amir Hospital of Shiraz M.S 1398/06/31
abbas rezalooie Investigating the Relationship between Organizational and Psychological Factors with the Ethical Intention of Accountants Ph.D 1400/06/20
manouchehr roosta Investigation of the Relationship Between Conservatism and Financial Efficiency of Firms in Tehran Stock Exchange Market by Data Envelopment Analysis Supper -Efficiency M.S 1392/05/30
samane rostami Investigating the Effect of Auditor Change on the Cost of Financing by Propensity Score Matching Method (Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange) M.S 1397/12/14
Mehdi Saberi esfarjani Modeling Social Responsibility Reporting ( case study : Social Security Organization ) Ph.D 1399/11/29
Mahsa Sadeghifard Investigating the Effect of Culture on the Relationship between Management Myopia and Financial Performance of the Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1398/11/30
Hamid Sadeghipour The investigation of the relationship between the audit characteristics and related-party transacions for the companies listed on the tehran stock exchange by emphasizing on certain corporate governance mechanisms M.S 1394/06/30
mostafa sadeghnia The Effect Of Information Systems Integration On Financial Performance with an Emphasis On The Mediating Role Of Quality And Cost Performance By Structural Equation Ph.D 1399/06/31
Tabandeh Salehi The Winner's Curse in Low Balling and Auditor's Behavior: Emphasizing on the Concept of Independence Ph.D 1400/03/26
Abdolmajid Sarmadinia A Study of Effective Factors on the Improvement of the Quality of Accounting Discipline: A Survey of Accounting Faculty of Universities and a Description of Published Accounting Research M.S 1396/12/09
Amir Sarvestani The Role of Accounting Standards Setting Approaches in Process Accountability, Epistemic Motivation and the Level of Requested Evidence of Auditors Ph.D 1397/06/07
Marjan Setayesh Investigating the Effect of Managerial Myopia on Agency Issues Caused by Investment Inefficiency in the Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1394/12/11
Kazem Shamsaldini Investigation of the Relationship between Investors Behavior, Price Stocks and Investor’s Personality in Tehran Stock Exchange Ph.D 1395/04/27
shahrokh sheidaee A Survey of Economic Freedom On Equity Return: Evidence From Asia Markets M.S 1390/11/15
saeed sheikh kazemi The Role of Financial and Non-financial Characteristics on Quality of Disclosure in Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1392/12/20
ahmad shkrlahy investigation of Interactions between free cash flow, debt policy and ownership structure using the simultaneous equations system: case study of listed companies in Tehran stock exchange. M.S 1391/11/24
reza taghizadeh Investigation of the Relationship between Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Stock Price Crash Risk of the Listed Companies in the Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1392/05/30
Reza Taghizadeh Analyzing Corporate Governance and Stock Price Networks with Emphasis on Financial Performance in the Iranian Stock Markets Ph.D 1396/10/26
maryam taheri meymandi Investigating the Influence of Board of Director Characteristics on the Informativeness of Accounting Earnings of Accepted Corporations in Tehran Security Exchange M.S 1390/11/15
Marzieh Tohidi nejad The Application of Bootstrapped DEA for Financial Performance Evaluation in Tehran Stock Exchange Industries M.S 1392/05/30
ali zare hosein abadi Investigating the Relationship between Management Earnings Forecast Errors and Accruals of the Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1389/06/28
gholamhasan zare Investigating the Stickiness of Hospital Costs of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences Ph.D 1400/06/31
hashem zare بررسی رفتار شاخص قیمت بازار سهام ایران رهیافتی از اقتصاد فیزیک Ph.D 1391/12/09
sahar zare Designing Performance Based Budgeting Model in Education by Using Accounting Information and Goal Programming Method (Case Study: Fars Province University of Medical Sciences) Ph.D 1400/06/31
Sara Ziyari Providing optimal model to predict financial distress by using Tabu search and simulated annealing algorithm and evaluating it’s efficiency compared to Altman’s z model M.S 1392/07/10
محمد حسین فتحه Costing and Performance Evaluating, a basis for performance-based budgeting at shiraz university Ph.D 1398/06/31
آرزو مصلی نژاد مصلی نژاد The Designing and Testing of Water Management Accounting Model Using Meta-Synthesis and Balanced Scorecard Ph.D 1399/06/31
مسعود مهرآمیز Investigation of The Capability and Efficiency of The Intellectual Capital In Listed Companies Of Tehran Stock Exchange Via Data Envelopment Analysis Technique M.S 1392/06/31
Invesigating the Effect of Audit Committee on Audit Quality and Firm Value M.S 1396/11/25
Relationship between Refined Economic Value Added (REVA) and Earnings per Share (EPS) and Price-To- Earnings Ratio (P/E) M.S 1385/05/29
The Investigation of the impact of effective factors on accuracy of forcasted profits made by firms management in Tehran stock exchange market M.S 1385/06/01
Pedram Azizi Designing and Testing the Model of the Relationship between Management Accounting Innovation Multi-Level Networks and Financial Distress in the Business Cycles: With Emphasis on Risk Ph.D
zhila karbalaye mohammadi dastjerdi Designing and Testing a Fuzzy Comprehensive Model for Hospitals’ Performance Evaluation by Using Sustainable Balanced Scorecard, Swara and Multimoora Methods Ph.D 1402/03/28
aslan namdarpour The Effect of Investors' Overconfidence on The Value Relation of Data and Accounting Information Ph.D
zohre raiessi Developing a Model of Impact of Traditional Education and Combined Big Data Approach on Academic Achievement of Accounting Students Ph.D 1401/06/31
Seyed Hamidreza Rakhsha Modeling the Role of the Accounting Information Quality in Tax Risk Assessment of the Firms by Using Combined Method of Delphi and Dematel Ph.D 1401/11/15
Amir Alyan ajam Comparative Historical Study of Social Conditions of Iranian Islamic Revolution and French Revolution. M.S 1394/12/15
fateme sadat amiri Ranking Factors Affecting Corporate Bankruptcy in Tehran Stock Exchange Using the Friedman Test and TOPSIS-AHP M.S 1392/06/27
Hajar Askari company Strategy and Market Reaction to profit in selected industries of companies acquired in tehran stock exchange M.S 1397/11/30
katayoun barkhordar Investigating Factors Influencing The Internal Audit Effectiveness and Evaluating Internal Audit Role in risk management And Internal Controls of Keshavarzi Bank M.S 1398/06/31
Bahareh Barzegar Predicting stock return and future cash flows by using cuckoo and colonial competitive algorithms and comparing that with traditional models M.S 1393/06/31
Sajjad Behpour Identifying effective Factors on the fluctuation of gross domestic product in Iran Ph.D 1397/03/13
Zahra Behzadi The Analysis of Economic Impact of Energy Efficiency Improvements : Rebound Effect and Its Relation to Environmental Sustainability ( Case Study: Iran) Ph.D 1395/11/27
azar borjouei Management Overconfidence and Dividend Policy of the Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1393/06/08
monireh chatraei A Study of the Role of Social Intelligence on Social Cohesion (A Case Study in Students of Najafabad Payamnoor University) M.S 1392/12/11
elaheh darabi Spatial analysis of traffic accident statistics and mortalities (In city & roads) among the counties of Iran in 2006-2010 M.S 1392/06/27
Saeide Dehghani Investigating the Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Audit Quality M.S 1397/06/31
Sayed javad Delavari Financial Reporting Requirements for Small Entities Ph.D 1398/06/24
Fahime Ebrahimi Modeling Effective Factors Affecting the Intention of Reporting Financial Fraudulents by Accountants with Emphasis on Ethical Consideration. Ph.D 1395/04/27
nahid ethadkhoob Investigation of the Relationship between Tax Avoidance and Firm Risk with Emphasis on the Moderating Role of Corporate Governance Mechanisms of the Listed Companies on Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1398/11/27
farzad gerami shirazi Investigation of the Effect of Testosterone and Overconfidence of the Chief Executive Officer on the Level of the Risk of Financial Misreporting for the Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1393/12/06
roohallah ghasemi study of Socio-Cultural factors related to musical preferences of high school students: A case study of Shiraz and Qaemiyeh Students M.S 1389/06/01
Ali Ghayori moghadam Designing a Comprehensive Model of Agency Costs of Owner-Manager Relation Using System Dynamics Ph.D 1397/10/19
Reza Gholami Hosseinabad Modeling Multiple Attributes Decision Making Rating for Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange by using Balanced Scorecard, Stock Exchange Measures and PAPRIKA Technique Ph.D 1396/02/06
javad harati Impact of clean technology transfer and pollution externalities on the steady state growth path: the case of Iran Ph.D 1391/09/02
Zahra Jafari Investigating the Effect of Agency Cost's Moderation on the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Cost Stickiness in Firms Listed on Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1395/06/28
Lotfollah Jargani Tilaki Evaluating the Causality Relationship between Energy Consumption, Economic Growth and Greenhouse Gas Emission in the Iranian Economic Sectors M.S 1394/09/16
Mohammad Jokar Investigating the Moderating Effect of Prior Sales Changes on Asymmetric Cost Behavior of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1394/10/20
pegah kalantar The Impact of Stereotype on Child Spacing among Marital Women of 15-49, in Shiraz M.S 1392/06/31
Mandana Karami An Investigation of the Effect of Family Firms' Ownership on Internal Control, Audit Risk, Audit Fees and Audit Report Lag M.S 1395/06/10
Behnam Karamshahi The Design of the Mediating Role of the Management Accounting System on the Relationship Between Network of Actors and Financial Performance of the Companies Ph.D 1399/06/29
Leila Kazemigharbi The Effect of Innovation on Sustainable Development with the Mediating Role of Management Accounting Information M.S 1397/12/22
خارچينه Kharchineh The Investigation of Information Content of Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements of the Parent Entities with Considering Revised Accounting Standard No. 18. M.S 1395/06/31
Samaneh Khoshnoodi niya Investigating the Future of Continuous Auditing by Using Delphi Method M.S 1395/12/16
Zeynab Mehtari A Framework for Providing Financial and Nonfinancial Information of Iranian Companies in the form of Integrated Reporting Ph.D 1397/08/30
Alireza Momtazian Investigating the Relationship between Managerial Ability and Earning Quality of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange (Using Data Envelopment Analysis) M.S 1393/06/22
seyyedmorteza mousavinezhad The Impact of the Style of Leading on Job Burnout and Turnover of the Auditor, Considering the mediating Role of Job Satisfaction M.S 1399/04/10
Hamidreza Nabavi The Investigation of Relationship between Some Applicants Features' Bank Loans and Outstanding Claims in the Credit Institution Samen M.S 1394/12/19
ABOOZAR PARSAI Investigation of the Relationship between Conditional Conservatism and Audit Fees with Emphasis on the Moderating Role of the Corporate Governance M.S 1395/12/16
somayyeh parto noorollahi Investigating the Mediating Effect of Agency Cost on the Relationship between Capital Structure, Dividend Policy and Companys’ Performance M.S 1394/06/30
Ahmad Rajabi Systematic Modeling of Factors lnfluencing Business Process and Performance in Industrial Corporations with System Dynamics Approach(case study ; Farasan Manufacturing Factory) Ph.D 1393/06/31
abdolhamid rezaei Compari M.S 1390/07/06
gholamreza rezaei Modelling strategic planning participation, mediating role of management accounting information system and psychological dimensions in creation of the budgetary stack Ph.D 1396/09/07
Mohammad SadeghzadehMaharluie Forcasting Tax Evasion by Accounting Information: Data Mining Approach, Selecting Optimal Forcasting Variables and Comparing Nonlinear Methods Ph.D 1397/06/31
khadijeh salemizadeh The Relationship Between Product Market Competition and Corporate Governance, with Emphasis on the Type of Ownership of the Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1393/06/26
bahareh serpoosh aggregate production planning using grey theory M.S 1390/07/04
Maryam Shabaninejad Investigating the Moderating Role of Intellectual Capital on the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Risk of Financial Bankruptcy on the Tehran Stock Exchange M.S 1398/11/30
mohammad saeed zabihidan The effect of R&D on firm performance in Iranian manufacturing industries (Based on the structure - conduct – performance approach) M.S 1391/07/12
Mandana Zare DesigningTime Driven Activity Based Costing SystemVia Fuzzy Logic Approach (Case Study of Yas E Fars Glaze Company) M.S 1393/12/19
Ramin Zeraatgari Modeling and Investigating Manager's and Investor's Effect of Personality Type in Favoring Accounting Information via Intelligent Neural Network Ph.D 1397/03/05
Leila Zeraatpisheh The Relationship Between Customer Concentration And Profitability Ratios Emphasizing On The Moderating Role Of Customer Life Cycle M.S 1396/12/20
رضا بهمني Investigating the Relationship between Religiousness, Professional Commitment and Job Satisfaction with Audit Quality: Considering the Mediating Role of the Auditor's Dysfunctional Behaviour M.S 1399/05/19
فيروزه ستوده Designing a Dynamic Model of Financial Services Marketing Using Systemic Multimethodology: The Case of Securities and Exchange Brokerages Ph.D 1398/06/31
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